在线教育 at CTU 科罗拉多斯普林斯
无论你的目标是加强你现有的技能还是学习新的东西, 科罗拉多泉CTU” 在线大学乐博加拿大28*可以让你在一个适合你繁忙生活的时间表上追求你的学术目标. You can attend online 类 through our student portal or CTU Mobile app, wherever it’s convenient for you. 在家里, 在工作或在图书馆——你几乎可以在任何有网络连接的地方登录.
Choose from a Variety of 在线 乐博加拿大28
无论你感兴趣的领域是什么,在CTU,你都可以找到适合你需要的在线乐博加拿大28. Whether you are living in 科罗拉多斯普林斯, travel frequently for your job, or stationed with the military anywhere around the globe, you can take advantage of nearly 90 online degree programs and concentrations. CTU offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs. 在线 learning options are available 24/7, 每个乐博加拿大28都提供可以帮助你实现教育目标的课程内容.
教师 Who Enrich the Educational Experience
CTU courses are taught by faculty who understand industry trends. 我们的讲师将他们在这些趋势方面的经验融入到课程中,帮助学生精通基础知识,以及相关技术和各自领域的最佳实践. 除了, 我们的教师努力工作,以确保他们可以与学生交流和支持他们的学生.
我们的 类 are full of people just like you: stay-at-home parents, 孤独的父母, 单亲父母, 忙碌的专业人士, aspiring entrepreneurs and more. 在CTU这里, 学生们来自各行各业,他们希望通过教育来丰富自己的生活. 除了知识渊博的教师和多元化学生观点的社区, you also have the opportunity to connect with members of our 校友网络 through local 科罗拉多斯普林斯 events or online via social media.
Education Designed to Fit A Busy Lifestyle
CTU offers an award-winning mobile app1 帮助您管理您的在线课程体验,并保持与CTU社区的联系,即使您在旅途中. 用CTU移动电话, you can track assignments, monitor your financial aid status, 无论你身在何处,都可以通过手机或平板电脑参与在线讨论和复习课程材料.
Step into the Student Portal
有了CTU的学生门户网站,你离你想去的地方永远不会超过几次点击. Just log into your dashboard to navigate to all of the following resources:
- Course 首页: See the latest announcements for your courses.
- To Do List: View and sort your upcoming tasks.
- Assignments: View the assignment list and sort by type, assignment or due date. 选择一个任务,把你需要的所有东西都放在一个地方. 点击课堂讨论板的链接,与你的老师和同学交流.
- 资源: Easily view your bookshelf, which houses all of your e-books for current and previous courses. 方便地检查所有额外的资源,你可能需要你的课程作业. Access 科罗拉多泉CTU” virtual library, 包含电子书, online databases and re搜索 guides for all of our degree programs.
- 成绩:在你的课程中随时跟踪你的成绩,并查看你的成绩簿,以详细了解你的进步, including a link to instructor feedback on completed assignments.
- 同学:查看班上的每个同学,并通过电子邮件进行交流, discussion boards and live chats.
- Site Menu: Get the tools you need to make staying in touch easy, including a messenger app, general school contact information, department contact lists, and a link to trending discussions throughout the CTU community.
Innovative 在线 Tools
CTU的学生过着忙碌的生活,需要充分利用他们的时间和精力. 我们明白了. 这就是为什么我们提供各种数字工具来帮助你在乐博加拿大28中取得成功.
易达利路径® 一个专有的在线学习应用程序是通过为每个学生创建个性化的学习路径来消除“一刀切”的教育方法吗. 应用程序定制课程在我们的乐博加拿大28,以适应您的知识水平, 让你跳过你已经知道的,专注于你还需要学习的东西.
When you take a course powered by intelli路径®, you can benefit from increased control over your class material. 你能够主动解决学习差距,并在完成课程后获得即时反馈. You can have more control over what you learn and when.
快速通道是一套技术驱动的学习评估,它允许你为你已经拥有的知识和技能获得学位学分. Offered at no additional charge, Fast Track的在线考试旨在衡量你对核心科目的熟练程度. 如果你通过了考试,你可以为你的知识获得大学学分,并更快地完成你的乐博加拿大28. By passing CTU快速通道™ exams, you can save up to 30% in time and money*.
我们的 goal is to help you achieve your educational goals. 我们有一个团队的财务援助顾问可以解释可用的选项 financing your education,您还可以随时访问一些在线资源,以获得有用的信息:
- 学费和 毕业 Date Calculator: See how CTU Fast Track, 转移学分, or a military affiliation can affect your total tuition and graduation date.
- 净价计算器: In just a few minutes, you can get an estimate of the cost to attend CTU 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 包括学费, 费用, expenses and possible grant aid.
- 奖学金 and 奖助金:了解符合资格标准的新生和归国学生如何利用一些机构资助和申请奖学金.
- 学费资源: In just a few clicks, 你将获得学费和目录信息,这可能有助于使你的教育成本更容易理解.
Engage 在线 with Fellow CTU 学生
我们相信,在当今世界,继续你的教育与社区和课堂一样重要. 这就是为什么我们利用在线渠道让你不仅与你的学习保持联系, but to fellow students as well.
在反恐组, 你可以和你的同学和老师互动,就像你和朋友保持联系一样, 家人和同事. By incorporating chat, email, mobile devices and popular social networking sites into your online university experience, you can make education an active, engaging part of your everyday life.
Are you ready to join the CTU community? Request information today.
1 ”奖 & 识别.” Colorado Technical
*减少在校时间和/或减少学费的能力取决于CTU快速通道的数量™ exams successfully passed. Fast Track program credits are non-transferable. Not all programs are eligible for possible 30% reduction in time and money. Courses eligible are subject to change. 学生在做出入学决定时不应依赖潜在的快速通道储蓄或资格.